Welcome to Russell Street Medical Centre

The Russell Street Medical Centre (RSMC) is a GP owned and operated General Practice centrally located on the corner of Russell and Bentinck Streets in the CBD. We are within comfortable walking distance of pathology services (across the road), diagnostic imaging (200 meters) and various chemists. More Details in the About Section

COVID-19 – Changes to Doctor’s appointments

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there have been some changes in how your doctor might see you. Many people in isolation or in high risk groups will be able to do a video or phone consult for no out of pocket cost. Your GP may also offer telephone or video consults for a private fee if you do not fit into one of these groups. Many doctors will be trying to do as much as possible on the phone and will advise if you need to be seen in person or sent for tests.

If you have respiratory tract symptoms, e.g. sore throat, runny nose or cough, you will probably get better without prescription medicine. STAY HOME until you are well and use simple measures like drinking plenty of fluids, resting, gargles, paracetamol and hot lemon and honey drinks. If you are struggling and think you need to see doctor, please CALL FIRST.

For current appointments, the Practice will be making contact with at risk patients to offer phone consultations. All appointments will go ahead as usual unless you are contacted to change the appointment method.

If you fit the testing criteria (recent travel AND fever/symptoms or a close contact) for COVID-19 get tested at a public clinic and self-isolate until you are cleared.

If you are very sick and having breathing difficulties, you should go to the hospital.

Any non-urgent routine visits should be delayed until this is over, e.g. for skin checks or cervical screening. Flu shots will be available soon. We will keep you informed when you can get yours.

Keeping unwell people out of our waiting rooms will help to protect people who need to be there. It will also help protect the staff in the surgery so we can continue to offer services. Take advantage of this change. It is safer for you and your family, safer for your doctor and their staff and safer for the community. So, thoroughly wash your hands often, stay at home as much as possible, avoid handshakes and high fives and do your bit to help slow this pandemic down.

Launch of the coronavirus (COVID-19) campaign

A national campaign has launched to inform all Australians about the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The campaign aims to reduce the risk to individuals and families by enabling them to make informed decisions and to take up health recommendations.

Russell St Medical Centre and Busby Medical Practice – A NEW ERA

The owners of Busby Medical Practice and Russell Street Medical Centre would like to announce an exciting new alliance. Many will know that Dr John Sandra has stepped down as a practice owner of RSMC from July 1 this year. In his place, the remaining owners Dr Hal Rikard-Bell and Dr Colin Jamieson have welcomed the practice owners of Busby Medical Practice, Ms Louise McMahon, Dr Atma Rana and Dr Sarah Koffman.

The plan is to ensure a Bathurst owned and managed General Practice service, in which the owners and doctors live and work in the community they serve. The practice owners are committed to a continuation of “family practice” that has been the corner stone of these medical clinics for many generations. The two practices will continue as separate entities, maintaining their independent characteristics, clerical and nursing staff. The joining together will offer some synergies of management. This includes dealing with the many bureaucracies, including Medicare, GP Registrar training organisations and medical manpower issues necessary in running a general practice.

General practice in regional Australia faces challenges on many fronts. We remain convinced that privately owned General Practices, like ours, offer the best service to our patients, and combined with the flexibility and manpower to meet these challenges, we will continue to do so.

Most of the anticipated changes will be occurring behind the scenes with the hope it will be business as usual for our GP’s staff and patients. Any questions about the alliance can be directed to our respective Practice Managers.


The practice owners of Russell Street Medical Centre and Busby Medical Practice.

Surgery Hours

Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 6pm
Saturday – 9.00am to 12pm

(Saturday clinics are for acute cases and staffed by
our Duty GP. It is our policy not to advise who the
Duty Doctor is until the day)

Contact Details
Telephone (02) 6331 2266
Fax Number (02) 6332 1020

After Hours Service

An afterhours phone service is available to RSMC patients between the hours of 6pm and 8am weekdays and from 12pm Saturday to 8am Monday. This includes Public Holidays. This service is staged by experienced local GP’s.

To access this phone service call (02) 6331 2266

Bathurst After Hours GP Clinic operates on Saturday & Sunday afternoons from 3pm to 7pm at the Specialist Rooms, Heritage Building (entry via Howick St), Bathurst Base Hospital. This is a Walk- In Clinic, no appointments necessary.

In case of an emergency dial 000 immediately.


Corner of Russell & Bentinck Streets
(116 Russell Street)
Bathurst NSW 2795

Online Appointments


You will need to register with your email address the first time you use this facility. Alternatively you can install the Hotdoc App on your Smartphone: